Jun 26, 2009

Introduction & new outfits

Hi! The Sapphistic Affections blog is brand new, may name is Crystal Morrison & I am the owner & creator of all content for Sapphistic Affections inside the world of secondlife! Sapphistic Affections is a new store that will be opening very soon inworld & will be found in the Elegant sim of the Azure Islands Nova Estates! I want to go ahead and get some questions out of the way, so following up with this small introduction are some questions that are commonly asked from clothing creators in SL.

Q. Will you do custom work? (i.e. Change this color or that on this outfit? Add such and such?)
A. Right now I am really just trying to get the store up and running, I will however take requests, but can not promise that I will fulfill those requests. Requests may be made via notecard only & dropped into my store mailbox or directly on my profile.

Q. Will you change the permissions on this outfit?
A. I will gladly change the permissions on an outfit for you, however, none of my outfits will be modify at least not at this time. If you'd rather have copy or transfer permissions on an outfit let me know by sending me a notecard with name of outfit, what permissions you prefer and if you've already purchased the outfit with the opposite permissions than you want such as copy, no transfer, you will be required to pay again for the outfit due to the nature of the permissions and the possibility that you will be able to give the no copy, trans version away. However if you purchased a no copy/transfer version the old version will be required in order for you to get the new permissions set.

How to do this :

If the item you purchased is no copy/transfer rename the folder that the item(s) came in to "Product Name - Your Name - Perm Change" & drop the folder containing all items onto my profile for exchange.

Q. Will you give me _______ with full permissions?
A. No, never.

Q. Will you teach me how to make ______ or ______?
A. No my time is limited due to the nature of the work I am doing, I'm sorry but I can not offer one on one classes at this time, in the future however I may be willing to do a blog post on how something is done or made.

Enough Questions & Answers for now. I'm sure there will be more and once there are I will make a proper FAQ for people to refer to with their questions so that I may properly answer them.

New releases that are soon to come in the store :
Accessories - Mouth attachments (Gummie bears in a pouch, Lollipops, Ice Cream Bars, Candy Apples & More)
Body Piercings
And hopefully in time, Tattoos & Skins!

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